At the February Business Meeting, the MASE membership approved a proposal by the board to post and hire an independent contractor to serve as the Executive Director (ED).  In early August, the Board selected past President Dale Knapp after interviewing three excellent candidates. Dale was chosen as ED because of his MASE service history and the experience that service has provided him. Upon signing the contract, Dale immediately began to specific training for the maintenance of the website and drafted a letter on behalf of the Board in regards to an upcoming rulemaking session.  Over the next several months Dale will begin to take over most membership communication, website updates and maintenance, social media updates, annual meeting planning and coordination and other various duties described in the job description.  As I pass the torch of president at the 2018 meeting, Dale will be an asset to the incoming President, and facilitate a smooth transition.

Dale will be available to the MASE membership via email at this new address:

Congratulations Dale.